name: Spell checking # Updating pull request branches is managed via comment handling. # For details, see: # # These elements work together to make it happen: # # `on.issue_comment` # This event listens to comments by users asking to update the metadata. # # `jobs.update` # This job runs in response to an issue_comment and will push a new commit # to update the spelling metadata. # # `with.experimental_apply_changes_via_bot` # Tells the action to support and generate messages that enable it # to make a commit to update the spelling metadata. # # `with.ssh_key` # In order to trigger workflows when the commit is made, you can provide a # secret (typically, a write-enabled github deploy key). # # For background, see: on: push: branches: ["**"] tags-ignore: ["**"] pull_request_target: issue_comment: types: [created] jobs: spelling: name: Spell checking permissions: contents: read pull-requests: read actions: read outputs: followup: ${{ steps.spelling.outputs.followup }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: "contains(github.event_name, 'pull_request') || github.event_name == 'push'" concurrency: group: spelling-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} # note: If you use only_check_changed_files, you do not want cancel-in-progress cancel-in-progress: true steps: - name: check-spelling id: spelling uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@main with: suppress_push_for_open_pull_request: 1 checkout: true post_comment: 0 experimental_apply_changes_via_bot: 1 extra_dictionaries: cspell:filetypes/filetypes.txt comment: name: Report runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: spelling permissions: contents: write pull-requests: write if: (success() || failure()) && needs.spelling.outputs.followup steps: - name: comment uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@main with: checkout: true task: ${{ needs.spelling.outputs.followup }} experimental_apply_changes_via_bot: 1 update: name: Update PR permissions: contents: write pull-requests: write runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.issue.pull_request && contains(github.event.comment.body, '@check-spelling-bot apply') }} concurrency: group: spelling-update-${{ github.event.issue.number }} cancel-in-progress: false steps: - name: apply spelling updates uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@main with: experimental_apply_changes_via_bot: 1 checkout: true ssh_key: "${{ secrets.CHECK_SPELLING }}"