You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
3.9 KiB

package t::Config;
use Test::Base -Base;
use IPC::Run3 qw( run3 );
use Cwd qw( cwd );
our @EXPORT = qw(
sub run_tests;
sub run_test ($);
sub shell (@);
sub cd ($);
our $BuildRoot;
our $DistRoot;
our @SavedTests;
our $RootDir = `pwd`;
chomp $RootDir;
sub run_tests {
my $ver = `bash util/ver`;
chomp $ver;
cd "ngx_openresty-$ver";
$DistRoot = cwd();
$BuildRoot = File::Spec->rel2abs("./build");
for my $block (blocks()) {
sub run_test ($) {
my $block = shift;
my $name = $block->name;
my $cmd = $block->cmd or
die "No --- cmd defined for $name\n";
#warn "$cmd > out.txt 2>\&1";
my ($stdout, $stderr);
run3 $cmd, undef, \$stdout, \$stderr;
my $retval = $?;
my $expected_exit = $block->exit;
if (!defined $expected_exit) {
$expected_exit = 0;
my $expected_err = $block->err;
if (!defined $expected_err) {
$expected_err = '';
} else {
$expected_err =~ s/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR\b/$BuildRoot/gs;
$expected_err =~ s/\$OPENRESTY_DIR\b/$DistRoot/gs;
my $expected_out = $block->out;
if (!defined $expected_out) {
$expected_out = '';
} else {
#$expected_out =~ s/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR\b/$BuildRoot/gs;
#die $BuildRoot;
$stdout =~ s/\Q$BuildRoot\E/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/g;
$stdout =~ s/\Q$DistRoot\E/\$OPENRESTY_DIR/g;
is($stdout, $expected_out, "$name - stdout ok");
is($stderr, $expected_err, "$name - stderr ok");
is($retval >> 8, $expected_exit, "$name - exit code ok");
my $makefile;
if (defined $block->makefile) {
open my $in, "Makefile" or
die "cannot open Makefile for reading: $!";
$makefile = do { local $/; <$in> };
close $in;
my $expected_makefile = $block->makefile;
#$expected_makefile =~ s/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR\b/$BuildRoot/gs;
$makefile =~ s/\Q$BuildRoot\E/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/g;
$makefile =~ s/\Q$DistRoot\E/\$OPENRESTY_DIR/g;
is($makefile, $expected_makefile, "$name - Makefile ok");
push @SavedTests, {
cmd => $cmd,
name => $name,
exit => $retval >> 8,
err => $stderr,
out => $stdout,
makefile => $makefile,
if ($0 =~ /_$/) {
chdir "$RootDir";
#warn `pwd`;
my $outfile = $0 . '_';
if (-f $outfile) {
unlink $outfile;
open my $in, $0 or
die "cannot open $0 for reading: $!\n";
while (<$in>) {
if (/^--- (?:ONLY|LAST)$/) {
close $in;
open my $out, ">$outfile" or
die "cannot open $outfile for writing: $!\n";
open $in, $0 or
die "cannot open $0 for reading: $!\n";
while (<$in>) {
print $out $_;
if (/^__DATA__$/) {
close $in;
print $out "\n";
my $n = @SavedTests;
my $i = 0;
for my $block (@SavedTests) {
my $name = $block->{name};
my $cmd = $block->{cmd};
my $stdout = $block->{out};
my $makefile = $block->{makefile};
my $exit = $block->{exit};
my $err = $block->{err};
#$stdout =~ s/$BuildRoot/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/g;
print $out <<"_EOC_";
=== $name
--- cmd: $cmd
--- out
if ($makefile) {
#$makefile =~ s/$BuildRoot\b/\$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/g;
print $out "--- makefile\n$makefile";
if ($err) {
print $out "--- err\n$err";
if ($exit) {
print $out "--- exit: $exit\n";
if ($i++ < $n - 1) {
print $out "\n\n\n";
print $out "\n";
close $out;
warn "wrote $outfile\n";
sub shell (@) {
sub cd ($) {
my $dir = shift;
print("cd $dir\n");
chdir $dir or die "failed to cd $dir: $!\n";